iKosmik Software Apps

iKosmik Software
AZURE MONITORING PRO helps you monitor yourMicrosoft Windows Azure Storage Accounts (Tables, Queues, Blobs)and Websites right from your mobile! Tool made for the SQL ServerDBA.The App can monitor any number of Windows Azure Storage Accounts(i.e. tables, blobs and queues) and Websites at a time.It displays graphs pertaining to various statistics of your StorageAccounts and Websites.FEATURES :a. Dashboard for overall picture of your Storage Accounts :1. Availability2. Requests' Statistics3. Total Requests4. Total Billable Requestsb. Detailed Statistical Graphs on :AVAILABILITY STATISTICSREQUESTS' STATISTICSREQUEST INGRESS / EGRESSTHROTTLING ERRORCLIENT TIMEOUT ERRORSERVER TIMEOUT ERRORCLIENT OTHER ERRORSERVER OTHER ERRORAUTHORIZATION ERRORNETWORK ERRORc. Export Statistics for varying time periods and for table, bloband queue types.d. View various graphs pertaining to your Azure Websites.Windows Azure offers multiple data management services to helpmanage your data in the cloud ( http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/services/data-management/). Windows Azure also has Tables, which offer NoSQL capabilities.Blobs provide storage for data such as video, audio, images.Once you have deployed your infrastructure on the powerfulWindows Azure cloud service, you can use the Monitor MicrosoftWindows Azure Mobile App DB Client For DBA to keep an eye on thevarious statistics pertaining to your Windows Azure clouddeployment.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TRY THE DEMOFor demo of the App (i.e with sample data, without having toconnect to an actual Microsoft Azure Account), do the following:1. Click on 'Menu' (icon with the three-lines) in the top-leftcorner of the App2. Click '+' (bottom-right icon in the menu)3. Add the following details :Storage Account Name : demoAccess Key : demo4. Now click 'Back' to goto the home page & view the Appfunctionalities with the demo data.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUPPORTED ANDROID VERSION RANGETested from Android Version 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) - API Level 10onwardsSUPPORTED DEVICESTested in Google Nexus 4, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, 7 inch tablet, 10inch tablet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REACH USsupport@ikosmik.cominfo@ikosmik.com+1 909 954 0006~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MORE ABOUT THE APPhttp://www.windowsazureapp.comhttp://www.ikosmik.com/
With the Windows Azure Website Monitor App,you can monitor Windows #Azure #Websites right from your Androiddevice! You can view the Application Logs. Tool made for the SQLServer DBA!Love to hear your thoughts and comments at support@ikosmik.com !Cheers!iKosmik Team!
Karma: Project Task Management 1.8
Simple, intuitive Project Task Management Appwith ** CLOUD ACCESS AND AUTO-SYNC ** !GET RID OF EXCEL NOW!Tired of using spreadsheets to track time? Here's KARMA, yournatural way to track Staff Attendance and Project Time! A simple,yet, powerful, project time tracking and employee attendanceapplication that will be a breeze to use! Track time throughmodules called Projects and Tasks.TRACK BILLABLE HOURS EASILYTrack Billable and Non-Billable hours separately. Get automatedweekly reports in your email inbox on your Billable hours!Billable hours is the time you work on your client projects, whichmeans you charge them for it.Non-Billable hours is the time you don't work on any of the clientprojects.BEAUTIFUL REPORTSReports are essential especially when it comes to tracking andmonitoring. That's why we did the homework for you!Get automated reports emailed to you weekly on stuff that'simportant to you!Yes, there are so many Time Tracking and Project Management Appsout there like Wrike Project Management, Asana Project and TaskManagement App, Redbooth Employee and Team Management, SmartsheetProject Management!But we dared to write this, because we think Time Tracking has tobe natural, intuitive and simple, which is missing in thoseApps.Hope you enjoy the experience as much as we do!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GOT QUESTIONS / COMMENTS?***************************Write to us at support@ikosmik.com ! We're all ears!
Monitor your SQL Server Database Statistics for multiple SQL Serverinstances, right from your Android device. Tool made for the SQLServer DBA. This is free for a month, after which you can continuemonitoring your SQL Server Database with certain limitations.WIDGETS! Add the dashboard and graph widgets to your home or localscreens and monitor your SQL Server directly from the home / lockscreen of your device!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FEATURES NEW! Widgets! Add the dashboard and graph widgets to yourhome or local screens and monitor your SQL Server directly from thehome / lock screen of your device! 1. Add you SQL Server CONNECTION2. MONITOR SQL Server Statistics (the App fetches and refreshes thestatistics approximately once every minute) 3. EXPORT yourstatistics into Excel 4. Get NOTIFICATION on Memory Alerts (Androidversion 4.1 onwards) 5. WIDGET to monitor SQL Server Processor,Memory Usage and Memory Alerts right from your home and lock screen! (more features coming soon!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DETAILS OF THE FEATURES The iKosmik Mobile Client App forMonitoring Microsoft SQL Server for the DBA helps you monitor : 1.DASHBOARD VIEW DATABASE CPU / PROCESSOR USAGE SQL SERVER MEMORYALERTS TOTAL MEORY USAGE DATABASE STATES 2. MEMORY RELATEDSTATISTICS TARGET COMMITTED MEMORY USAGE CURRENT COMMITTED MEMORYUSAGE CPU WAIT TIME WORKER COUNT WORKER COUNT PER SCHEDULER 3. SQLSERVER DATABASE GENERIC STATISTICS - PAGE SPLITS - BATCH REQUESTS /SEC - PAGE SPLITS / BATCH REQUEST - SQL COMPILATIONS - SQLCOMPILATIONS / BATCH REQUEST - USER CONNECTIONS - FULL SCANS PERSECOND 4. SQL SERVER BUFFER, LATCH, LOCK RELATED STATISTICS -BUFFER CACHE HIT RATIO - PAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY - AVERAGE LATCH WAITTIME - AVERAGE LOCK TIMEOUT / SECOND 5. EXPENSIVE QUERIES (TOP 10)6. SQL SERVER ERROR LOG 7. PROCESSES 8. SECURITY ROLES 9. SQLSERVER JOBS View list of jobs & the job history. Get statusnotification on failed jobs! EXPORT STATISTICS Through the iKosmikMobile Client App for Microsoft SQL Server, export your statisticsinto Excel, and view them on the go! The Microsoft SQL ServerDatabase Monitoring App that's made just for the DBA !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUPPORTED ANDROID VERSION RANGE Tested from Android Version 2.3.3(Gingerbread) - API Level 10 onwards SUPPORTED DEVICES Tested inGoogle Nexus 4, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, 7 inch tablet, 10 inch tablet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MORE ABOUT THE APP http://www.sqlserverapp.com/http://www.ikosmik.com/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REACH US support@ikosmik.com info@ikosmik.com +1 909 954 0006~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Inventory and Asset Tracker 1.8
The App lets you scan the barcodes in your ITassets using your mobile. The scanned barcodes could be insertedfrom within the App into your SQL Server database from within theApp.We realized managing assets is laborious. A big special thank youto our customers Ron & Sue who asked for this App! :)We realized that you need to keep walking around carrying a laptopand a barcode scanner, to scan the barcodes in the assets likelaptops, computers, and even assets like furniture like chairs,tables, and so on. This Asset Manager and Barcode Scan App makes itreally easy for you! Configure your SQL Server asset databases inthe App. Then, walk around, scan the barcodes and insert them intoyour SQL Server database right from within the App. Asset trackingand management is now within your palm!Write your feedback and feature requests to support@ikosmik.com .We love when our customers mail us, because you are the reason weexist!Cheers!iKosmik Teamsupport@ikosmik.com
Toilets are a real tough challenge to keep clean, especially in bigoffices with multiple toilets / restrooms / washrooms in youroffice, various floors in shopping malls, university buildings andalso public toilets! Here is an App to give the power to the userto report any toilet / restroom / washroom issues they see. HOW TOSETUP ~~~~~~~~~~ Fix a tablet with this App near the publicrestroom / toilet / washroom that you manage, & empower yourtoilet users to report issues. What's more? Once the user reportsthe issue, you'll be notified by SMS and email instantly! Cool,isn't it? Download & start using right away! ISSUE TRACKER APPFOR TOILET IN-CHARGE / ADMINS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There is a companion Issue Tracker App where you get to see all theissues in various toilets in your building. You will be instantlynotified once an issue is raised. You can track and close issueseasily on-the-go. WEB APP FOR TOILET IN-CHARGE / ADMINS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is also a Web App for this,which can be used by the Admin / Toilet In-Charge to monitor allthe toilet issues in their offices / buildings. This has abeautiful dashboard with charts showing which toilets have moreissues, which kind of issues are reported more often and suchstatistics. This will help you take necessary proactive actions,for example, to fix the toilets with most issues. HARDWARE FOR THEAPP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tested right now on 7 inch Android tablets.Install this App on a 7 inch tablet and fix it in an encasing nearyour restroom door & see the change! You can also analyze yourrestroom's cleanliness over several months/years and there areoptions to get weekly / monthly automated reports on that. Mail usat support@ikosmik.com to know more! SUPPORT / FEEDBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are working to support tablets of other sizestoo. Write to us at support@ikosmik.com for any feedback andsuggestions! Love to hear from you! hello@toiletkarma.comsupport@ikosmik.com
With the Windows Azure Website Monitor App,youcan monitor Windows #Azure #Websites right from your Androiddevice!You can view the Application Logs. Tool made for the SQLServer DBA!We'll be adding more features soon! The free version willworkfor 15 days after which you can choose to upgrade to thepaidversion.Love to hear your thoughts and comments at support@ikosmik.com!Cheers!iKosmik Team!
MONITORING TOOL FOR AZURE helps you monitor your Microsoft WindowsAzure Storage Accounts (Tables, Queues, Blobs) and Websites rightfrom your mobile. The App can monitor any number of Windows AzureStorage Accounts (i.e. tables, blobs and queues) and Websites at atime. The free version can be used for a trial period of 15 daysafter which you can choose to upgrade to Pro. The App displaysgraphs pertaining to various statistics of your Storage Accountsand Websites. FEATURES : a. Dashboard for overall picture of yourStorage Accounts : 1. Availability 2. Requests' Statistics 3. TotalRequests 4. Total Billable Requests b. Detailed Statistical Graphson : AVAILABILITY STATISTICS REQUESTS' STATISTICS REQUEST INGRESS /EGRESS THROTTLING ERROR CLIENT TIMEOUT ERROR SERVER TIMEOUT ERRORCLIENT OTHER ERROR SERVER OTHER ERROR AUTHORIZATION ERROR NETWORKERROR c. Export Statistics for varying time periods and for table,blob and queue types. d. View various graphs pertaining to yourAzure Websites. MONITORING TOOL FOR AZURE offers multiple datamanagement services to help manage your data in the cloud (http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/services/data-management/ ).MONITORING TOOL FOR AZURE also has Tables, which offer NoSQLcapabilities. Blobs provide storage for data such as video, audio,images. Once you have deployed your infrastructure on the powerfulWindows Azure cloud service, you can use the Monitoring Tool AzureMobile App DB Client For DBA to keep an eye on the variousstatistics pertaining to your Windows Azure cloud deployment.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TRY THE DEMO For demo of the App (i.e with sample data, withouthaving to connect to an actual Microsoft Azure Account), do thefollowing : 1. Click on 'Menu' (icon with the three-lines) in thetop-left corner of the App 2. Click '+' (bottom-right icon in themenu) 3. Add the following details : Storage Account Name : demoAccess Key : demo 4. Now click 'Back' to goto the home page &view the App functionalities with the demo data.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUPPORTED ANDROID VERSION RANGE Tested from Android Version 2.3.3(Gingerbread) - API Level 10 onwards SUPPORTED DEVICES Tested inGoogle Nexus 4, Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, 7 inch tablet, 10 inch tablet~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REACH US support@ikosmik.com info@ikosmik.com +1 909 954 0006~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MORE ABOUT THE APP http://www.ikosmik.com/
SQL Server Jobs Monitor helps monitor SQLServer jobs on the go. You also get notification on failed jobs.You can monitor jobs for multiple SQL Server instances with theApp. Tool made for the SQL Server DBA.Free for 15 days, after which you can choose to upgrade to thepaid version of the App.